Moore History by 1800's
Henry and Mary Applegate
This photo shows Henry and Mary Applegate and their child. The Applegates are believed to have moved to Moore before the railroad and managed to stay in the area after the landrun. They opened the Iowa Hotel in Moore, which can be seen as the most prominent building in many old pictures of the downtown area. The Applegates came to Moore from Iowa, hence the name of the hotel. Henry became Moore's first Chairman of the town board, or what we would today call a mayor. ...» Read the full story
Woodmen of America, 1898
This photo of the Woodmen of America was taken in 1898. Not much else is known about this photo. If you have any info, please let us know.» Read the full story
Mathesens late 1800's
The first photo is an original of Ewald Mathesen and his wife on their wedding day.The second photo is the same but edited for clarityThe third photo is of the Mathesen farm, 1895The Mathesens settled in Moore in the late 1800's and later built a dairy on the site of their farm, which is still there today on Bryant between 4th and 19th Streets.» Read the full story
Jury or January patriarchs
These are photos of either the Jurys or Januarys, circa late 1800's. If you have info about exactly who they are and exactly when the photos were taken, please let us know.» Read the full story
Early Moore Settlers and homesteads, circa 1890's
The first photo is of an unknown Moore family and their settlement in the late 1890'sThe second photo is of an unknown group of Moore residentsThe third photo is of W.G. Jury's house as it looks today, built in the 1890's.The fourth photo is a more modern photo of the spot where W.G. Jury built a dugout prior to the 1890's cabin.If you have information about any of these photos and the people in them, please let us know.» Read the full story
Downtown Moore circa late 1800's
The first photo shows Moore in 1893, taken from the west side of Broadway looking east toward the railroad tracks. The water well in the center is at the intersection of Main and Broadway. The two story building on the left was Moore's first bank, later to become the first Dreessen general store.The second photo was taken in 1899 and is looking west down Main Street from the railroad tracks. This is the photo in its original form.The thrid photo is the same as the second, but ...» Read the full story
Moore School circa 1890's
Moore's three room school building in use during the 1890's.» Read the full story
Letters from Oklahoma settler circa 1880's
Letters from ancestors of Clyde Shroyer who settled in Oklahoma in the late 1800's.» Read the full story